Saturday, June 23, 2007

Youtube Time! What writing? Why write, why even speak, when you can show? ...
And what about the invisible, about my soul?
... well, film art. Like music, no thoughts, just feeling... like saying "you know what I mean".

web-writer, I script "pages" (screenplay), points -- you write, you finish, you are the USER!
Sounds as if I am writing an instruction how to put together a bookshelf from the box.
Ten years ago I was thinking about it, and I was thinking that it's not about me, about "them"...
... Why pretend?
Book of Job -- who wrote it? Happy End -- for readers.
Why bother, Job? Give it up, man!
Yahoo -- oh, I'm used to the name by now. "Google"? "Google you, youtube!"
Give up, anatolant.
I thought you are dead.

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